Allen Dillon, known as Al, has an impressive track record spanning military service, entrepreneurship, and leadership in the defense and security sectors. His journey began with the creation of an Internet Service Provider while still serving in the Canadian Armed Forces in the 90s, a venture he later sold to Bell Canada.
In 1999, Al co-founded Xwave, a hi-tech systems integrator and defense unit, which quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of Canada’s largest services/product companies by 2003. His leadership was recognized when he was awarded business person of the year in Atlantic Canada in 2006 for securing a significant defense tech award. Subsequently, he sold the defense unit to CAE in 2007 and spearheaded the international growth unit, significantly increasing annual revenues.
Al’s contributions to innovation in defense, security, and aerospace earned him the 2013 CDR Defense and Security Executive of the Year award in Canada. His pivotal role in a joint operation with US national security agencies and Interpol in 2015 led to the exposure and capture of a Russian state-sponsored media fraud ring, highlighting his expertise in cyber warfare.
In 2016, he founded CyberNB, a Provincial Special Operating Agency dedicated to cybersecurity protection frameworks in Canada, showcasing his commitment to national security. Al remains actively engaged in the cybersecurity domain, serving as CEO of Sapper Labs Group, which provides intelligence and cyber defense solutions to military, security organizations, financial institutions, and critical infrastructure operators.
Despite his busy schedule in the private sector, Al continues his military service as an active member of the CAF Cyber Reserves, advising on cyber defense strategies and open-source intelligence. His multifaceted career exemplifies a seamless blend of military service, technological innovation, and strategic leadership in the defense and security landscape.